Sounds of Spacetime - Interactive Gravitational Wave Tool


Sounds of Spacetime

About This Page:
Laptop and phone speakers may not be able to produce lower frequencies. Headphones and Google Chrome are recommended. Plots are dynamically generated in JavaScript using approximate equations. These equations do not feature the ringdown period after the merger.

Created by Kevin Johansmeyer
Project advised by Dr. Marc Favata
wav.js audio package created by Todd Weisse
wave-resampler.js audio package created by Rafael da Silva Rocha
Plotly.js used to contruct plots

Visit this project on GitHub

1.4 M
1.4 M

Description of Parameters:
Alpha is a constant [0,1] that adds a higher-harmonic to the signal.
Mass #1 and Mass #2 are the masses of the two celestial bodies (black holes/neutron stars) in terms of solar masses.

Google Chrome and headphones are recommended.

Created by Kevin Johansmeyer as part of Montclair State University and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration